Does any one know why an if on press == true would not work?
Basically inside [COLOR=Red][“row”+i] [COLOR=Black](which is a movie clip) there are three x[/COLOR] but(1,2,3)
[COLOR=Black]and one instance of [COLOR=Red]ticker [COLOR=Black]if but1 is pressed then ticker will move to.
The reason why it is set up this was is because [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Red][“row”+i] [COLOR=Black]is a movie clip that occurs 19 times.
var question:Number = 19;
for (var i = 1; i<=question; i++) {
_root["row"+i].onPress = function() {
if(but1.onPress == true){
trace("button 1 is pressed");
this.ticker._x = 50;
}else if(but2.onPress == true){
trace("button 2 is pressed");
this.ticker._x = 100;
}else if(but3.onPress == true){
trace("button 2 is pressed");
this.ticker._x = 150;