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for (var object in _root) {
if (_root[object] instanceof Button || _root[object] instanceof MovieClip) {
_root[object].enabled = true;
This is good code that you wrote. I added the additional or statement so that it would kill my movieclips too. Would you mind going through and explaining it? I’m not quite sure I understand, but let me try.
for (var object in _root) {
Alright, so, it declares the variable ‘object’ and places it at the ‘_root’ location, and executes the following:
if (_root[object] instanceof Button){
Huh. So if this were alternately written as:
if (_root[object] instanceof Button = true)
would that be the same thing?
_root[object].enabled = true;
Alright, this declares the object’s enabled value to be true… I guess I don’t get how this works. I know what it does, but not how it works.
Sorry. Help?