I love vecotor art and have had a few goes since a post earlier this week with an awesome tutorial link… http://www.vectorize.de/tutorial.html
what do you think??
I love vecotor art and have had a few goes since a post earlier this week with an awesome tutorial link… http://www.vectorize.de/tutorial.html
what do you think??
Looks great to me billy. I wouldn’t change anything.
thanks, paddy. Its so much fun!! the eyes are sooo hard :beam:
The eyes and face look really good.
i think it would be cool to add a bit more detail to the hair. Since the face is really nice and detailed (esp. lips and eyes) i think it would be nice if the hair was a bit more detailed, but not so much that it distracts from the other features. Perhaps just add one or two more levels of shading, and i think it would look sweet…
but it does already look sweet anyway
I think you are referring to my post…tag your pics up I got a few on the way…
I think thats a really neat start. You got the overal shape of her body well done, just fix the nose a bit, looks crooked. Anyhow, add some colors to her body. By chance, Ill experiment with vector to create something neat as well hopefully this week
That is a great tut…looks great :thumb:
I agree with maybe adding a bit more to the hair, but thats it.
I am slowly getting the hang of doing the eyes, it’s rather time consuming, however it will hopefully pay off when viewed at different sizes. Thanks for feedback
those eyes look great!
what program did you do them in? are they all vector? the lashes look more like brush strokes…
It’s all done in Illustrator, I am finally getting a hold on the crazy pen tool, the lashes are brush strokes done with the brush tool and the “fude” brush in CS. Thank you for your feedback.
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