
Just startin to dig in to illustrator, so I tried my hand at an illustration of myself. Quality is kinda low from all the compression. I thought it came out nice. Whad’ya guys think? It’s pretty jagged, but I’m still trying to master bezier curves.

I think it’s amazing.

I’ve been trying to draw stuff for a minute now, but I just can’t :lol:

Good job man :thumb:

yeah thats flippin sweet
nice shading

I Loooooooooooooooooooooooove It! Well Done !

I think thats real nice, especially the hair. Next time, increase its quality so it actually stands out more. A bit more detail to the arms and hands.

I think you nailed the basic concepts and it looks very nice…

Ditto but replace “for a minute” with “for months”. Sweet! :thumb:

How did you go about doing it? I mean did you stick a photo in illustrator and draw over it, or did you just have a mirror handy :P. Just curious is all, I love it btw :D.

Hey I just noticed you might want to make the smile more ‘smiley’. You look like your trying not show you’ve just stepped on a nail. Other than that great job.

I think you should go for less detail in the arms and head…
All in all it’s a good start though.

I was wondering if you have ever used the trace bitmap function in Flash, or Corel OCR Trace. Both those programs can do what you did instantly, they convert bitmaps to vector. If you want to do all the work yourself, you may want to use these to compare what you have done. Just a thought.


How did you go about doing it? I mean did you stick a photo in illustrator and draw over it, or did you just have a mirror handy . Just curious is all, I love it btw .
Yes, imported a pic into illustrator and traced it.

I was wondering if you have ever used the trace bitmap function in Flash, or Corel OCR Trace. Both those programs can do what you did instantly, they convert bitmaps to vector. If you want to do all the work yourself, you may want to use these to compare what you have done. Just a thought.

Yes, I’ve tried that in the past. You don’t get the amount of detail like you do with str8 vector. Quality comes out grainy, less smooth, and the colors aren’t as vibrant.
Threshold makes it look a little gray too. savy :pir:

Thanks for the critique everyone.