Second Illustrator Picture

Okay. I said I would try another one of these vector traces in Illustrator. They’re actually pretty fun to do. This is the final version of my second ever attempt complete with shading and a lame background. The girl was originally lying on a bed but now she’s lying on a nice blue background. Hope you like her. All C&C is welcome.

Okay here she is:

The first thing that caught my eye is that the lines are too pointy and pixelated. Try smoothening them. her face on the other hand look pretty good. The hair needs a lot more detail.

Weird. It doesn’t look pixelly in PS. I think it must just be because it’s a gif. Maybe jpg would look better.

Here ya go:

Looks better, but some lines are still kinda unnatural. Her hand is all weird too :stuck_out_tongue:

try removing outlines and perfecting the shading, most vectors that impress have little or no outlines, just well rendered shading.

No can do guinness. The shading is on the same layer as the lines. It’s basically just fills with burn and dodge tools applied.

Voets//I think I picked a hard picture for this. I’m not experienced enough to do lots of detail. I’ve only had Illustrator three days. thx for the comments guys. I better get back to work on my site now or it’ll never be finished.

Hey Flash,

I tried to do similar tracing in Illustrator and found that Flash is much easier to freehand trace with. Anyway, If you are going to fill and use colors, I would try and do them in Photoshop, because shading is a lot simpler to pull of. WHile it may not be a “true vector” the lines will fool the casual viewer to think it is because it will have sharp lines. Let me try to find the example.
The trace took only about 8 minutes. ( one must be careful not to make the girlfriend look “altered” in any way) then simply choose background and modifiy in PS. Let me know what you think. PS this was one of my first attempts.