I’m looking for a program and or extension that will allow me to Vectorize a Raster photograph.
I’m looking for someone else.
I’ll need controls on how much the vector image looks like the original.
It doesn’t need to make the vector image look exactly like the photograph, but it needs do a good a clean job of finding the pictures edges etc…
I have a computer Running Mac Os X as well as one running Windows XP
I’ve got Flash 8, Photoshop CS2, and Illustrator CS2.
So I can run Mac and PC programs, as well as extensions for the above software.
Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
I’ll be looking for results via google at this very moment. But I’m hoping that you’ll know of something useful offhand, or will have better luck using your particular search terms.
I’d like results today, but if I don’t find anything I’ll have to wait of course.
Oh, and the process needs to be done by the computer as an automated process, I can’t use something that forces me to hand draw vector shapes over the photo. Like in Illustrator.