
*Originally posted by xxviii *
**Raf - I’m not sayin you shouldn’t do it… I just really really don’t want to… I don’t wanna eat something that I love and stuff… It’d be like eating your grandpa or something…
I dunno… my values are screwed up **

Well, it’s not like I’m going to give it to you as a pet for three years and then cook it…

… reminds me of pinchy…

haha… that would be sooooo weird
“Samson, your lookin tasty today… go get in the ove… errr… kennel”

somthing about dog just kinda freaks me out, like eating cow tounge…

yeah, I dont like cow tongue either, but i tried it first before knocking it.

Hey, maybe i won’t like dog… but maybe I will find it DELICIOUS and ADDICTING!

kentucky fried dog?

Hot dog please, yes one, no no, that black with white dots, dalmantin? um, ok, whatever, oooh yummy…

You’re all gross!! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

Cmon now soul… respect their meataterianism (?) if you want people to respect vegetarianism. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m talking about the doggy woof woof :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

*Originally posted by Soul *
**I’m talking about the doggy woof woof :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s: **

Ok then… respect different cultures and minds.

Oh hush :stuck_out_tongue:

that poll really wasn’t fair. because I don’t look up to vegetarians. I feel the same way about vegetarians as I do about Ebola or The Black Plague.

j/k actually I don’t mind vegetarians as long as they don’t give me that speech about animals everytime I try to take a bite of my steak. You have your views and beliefs and I have mine. Now shut up before I cook you and eat you instead of the cow. :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s a joke response to one of my earlier threads. Soul and I are just being dumb…

My biggest prob with Veg Heads is their attitude. They seem to feel they are a “better person” just because they don’t eat “food with a face.”

With their lifestyle I have no prob. I will even specialize my cooking when I find out a vegetarian is in the group (I give them something different, I don’t make the entire dinner Vegan for example). Just like the Harre’ Krishna’s, don’t preach to me…


Lb: I figured, I just wanted to butt in and add my 2 cents :slight_smile:

Rev: ditto. :slight_smile:

a very good friend is a Vegan Uncooked type person. Her and her husband have built a 5000 sq ft kitchen in their home, have studied with the best chefs in the world, and prepare 100% of their meals from thier very own organic garden.

BTW - He is extremely rich. Multi Multi Multi Multi (you get the point) Millionaire, she went to Chef’s school with me…

They have been eating this way for 3-5 years that I know of… Look very healthy…


have you heard of frutarians?

no, can’t say that I have…


have you heard of frutarians?

Are those people that only eat gay people?

haha… no. People who eat ONLY fruit. They believe vegetables have a conciousness, and therefore only eat their fruits…