Introducing version 3 of my portfolio.
Ok, so it’s really version 9 or something, but I’m really pleased with this one and I’m definitely going to finish it and make it live. Plus I haven’t made a Flash site in ages.
I went for simplicity and functionality over razzle and dazzle. I was on holiday in Sweden recently and I was very impressed by this Scandinavian design philosphy.
So anyway here’s the link:
There’s no real content yet; just the navigation system, which hopefully is easy enough to use. I just want to know if people like the concept
I’ve learned a fair bit of actionscript that seemed far beyond me before now. I’m now animating simple movement mainly with AS which is much more simple.
Props to Giovanni Antico and Senocular for the colour code. It’s a beautiful piece of work that I could never have created on my own.
All comments, good and bad, are appreciated and considered.