VERY simple question


In an HTML page, how do u fix the horizontal scrollbar rg get rid of it??

I have an image that is 1024 in width, which is the res I’m also using. SO why does my browser still horizontally scorll?? Is there a tag I can use to prevent this?


its probably a javascript command to remove the scrool bar
plus your content probably just goes to far
try narrowing it down
and that may work
for example, im viewing this site right now at 800x600 at school, and it has the horiziontal scroll bar yet when i go home my resolution is 1280x960
and it is just fine :evil:

Well just because your res is 1204x768 doesn’t mean that that is your browsers viewing area. You will have to remove the HTML margins


The above removes the HTML margins. You also will have to factor in that the browser has borders on the sides. About 5px each I believe.

There is no way to disable just the horizontal scroll that I know of. you can disable all scrolling, but not just horizontal.