Video Games are GOOD for you!

Contrary to popular belief, gaming is GOOD for you…a new study has been released stating the benefits of playing video games, and in particular computer games. In it it is revealed that Professor Talmadge Wright and his colleagues at Loyola University in Chicago have been studying online gamers and their habits, most notably Counter-Strike players, and they’ve drawn the following conclusions:

[list]Online gamers form communities

The most common emotion expressed in those communites is laughter

The games played are more complex than most people suspect

Some of the most important aspects in online gaming are the banter, jokes and playful insults


read more here

2 people in Korea have died from playing counter-strike. I don’t know how good they are for you :).

But obviously they havent played that many games. Half the things i see in games are either someone hacking just to annoy people, someone whining cause someone is hacking (thats me :)), or someone just insulting people cause they aren’t 1337 like them (me again :)).

hahaha! an excuse to play internet games even MORE than i already do:P

ah yes the deaths, those people are nuts, only a nut beyond even ME would do something like play for days on end without breaks or food and water. thats not the video games fault, how can you blame a video game for that. thats the stupidest thing i have ever heard :frowning:

anyways, regarding the “l33t” people…i found this hillarious guide to being “l33t” and i gaurantee you will enjoy it…it is SO true and i see people like this SO SO often… enjoy!!! =)

Just because something has redeaming qualities does not neccessarly make it good for you. Marjahuana will help eye sight, stomach problems, weight problems and social problems… that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have as much tar as 5 cigarrettes in it. :slight_smile:
Everything in moderation, as I’ve said. If you’re playing so much online gaming that you fail to move for hours on end, then the benefits are not outweighing the downside.

exactly…david you are the guiding light of reason on this forum…what we would do without you…

plans to get rid of david and let kirupaville forever be merged in darkness


roflmao… When I’m the guiding light… you should all kiss your @$$3$ goodbye. I’m a born again Pagan… a self proclaimed lunatic, a communist, and a post drug user. I don’t think that I would follow myself if I had any choice in the matter.

no you are the warrior clad in armor & spoon boy of wisdom and I am the dark lord who kills innocents at whim and witout mercy

you are the one, you shall bring balance to the force

and i am he, who has hidden WMD that noone can find <----- oh wait thats stalin!! I am oh wait thats not me again…thats castro…ok ok i’ll just be this agent dude…for now!

lol… those are great man. I’m a big fan of the fascist Castro. He looks great as a smiley.

I deny that I’m the one though. that’s Jet Lee. (good movie, I thought)

did you like my storey?? i worked hard…to combine smilies with my story… give me acceptance or give me death :angry: :stuck_out_tongue:

it was very creative Mak. :slight_smile:

yay!! acceptance at last! and by david no less…i shall print this pg and place it on my mantle…oh wait i have no mantles…ok i’ll place it under my pillow!!!

what was this thread originally about again??

oh yea, GAMING IS GOOD FOR YOU, gives you HEALTHY dose of reality (terrorists and assasins lurk everywhere) games teach much… but like dave said…all in moderation! lest you die and give gaming a bad name! This has Mak decreed!

lol. Glad that my acceptance means something to someone. I’m officially taking you off of my “to beat” list Mak :slight_smile:

unless of course you like that kind of thing, in which case I’m sure I can fit you in my schedule somewhere.

…very clever…posting the 2 thoughts in 2 dif posts…so its like a disjointed thought! clever yes you are david

how do i reply… :smirk: first off…i was on your “to-beat” list??? what harm have i ever incurred upon you? and with what were you to beat me with? for you say you cann’t break concrete with bear hands, so a weapon you must use!

and no i don’t like that kinda thing…thats a bit…kinky for me… :wink: :beam: :whistle:

why were you on my “to beat” list?

EVERYONE is on my “to beat” list. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m going to stick my two pence worth in on this one and say that anyone who goes for two / three days or whatever without food, water and stuff just to play a computer game deserves all they get…

These people have intelligence, surely they must realise what happens to your body if you don’t keep it in good condition? This probably sounds a little harsh… But I mean, how dumb do you have to be? :cyclops:

I’m in agreement Kit. I think that effect is called “survival of the fittest.” or maybe just “destruction of the stupid”. :slight_smile:

Kinda like the Darwin Awards. :slight_smile:

Maybe these guys had their common sense glands removed?

Maybe they’re on drugs!
Or maybe just born without this big thingy in your head called a brain!

:tie: <- what the hell is this? =)