VIDEO: Loading from CD

[size=2]Hi all,

Seen a lot of people having the same problem:

Is it possible to decrease the waiting time when loading an external (embedded video) .swf into the main movie?
Quick example a 16mb .swf will take approximately 8-10seconds to load from cd before starting to play . . . . .

I’ve tried all sorts of different combinations/preloaders, while the movie loads all animation and mouse movements stop dead then the preloader flashes on the screen for a split second.

Another option -
[/size]loadSWF = function (swf, startFrame) {
checkLoaded = function () {
if (_root.container_mc.getBytesLoaded() >= _root.container_mc.getBytesTotal()*0.25) {
itv = setInterval(checkLoaded, 10);

The above code was given to me by Kalliban(Cheers mate ;o)
It also by-passes, so the video fully loads first before you can do anything . .

Any ideas???
