Hey. I have a cd-rom that loads several external SWF’s into the main interface. Some of these SWF’s are rather large. On the larger SWF’s when I click to load them the cd “hangs” there for a few seconds. Is there a way to preload the external movieclips on the cd-rom? I have tried to preload them several different ways and I cannot get anything to work.
Most modern CD-ROMs (RW/R±/whatever) read at speeds of around 2-4MB per second. If you’re having load problems:
your CD drive sucks
your SWFs are too friggin’ huge
your CD(s) may have scratches/errors on them
How large are the SWFs you’re loading? Usually when you preload something it’s stored in a temp location on the harddrive or in system RAM. If your SWFs are friggin’ huge, you might just have to deal with a slight hiccup.
(of course, I’m sure there’s someone out there with some uber-user info that’ll have some crazy fix for this)
The SWF’s range from 2MB to about 20MB. They are anywhere from 1-5 minutes long.
Welcome to the wonderfully frustrating world of Flash and CDroms.
If you’re using .swf’s that large there’s nothing you can do except let them pause. The best solution i’ve found is to get all your pages in one .swf (or a projector file, which is what i prefer), so that you only have to wait for the whole thing to load at the beginning, there’s no wait in between pages after that. Preloaders won’t work in Projector files, i don’t know if they’ll work in the .swf’s off of the cdrom, i’ve never tried it.