Video won't center

I have a .swf file that I want to play on my website, however when I export the video into an html file, the video won’t center, it just stays on the left, the html alignment options are set as default as there is no ‘middle alignment’ option, and the flash alignment is centered as well, what could be causing this problem?

hey, i got the same sort of issue i suppose,
but yours is easy fixable by publishing the .fla followed by opening the generated html file in dreamweaver and write <center> under the <head> line and it should be centered in any browser…

when i ‘test my movie’ in Flash CS3 it goes full screen, when i publish it in html it only shows my stage, any idea how i can publish full screen, exactly like when i ‘test My Movie’?

cheers man,
have fun!

thanks for the help,

what are the dimensions of your file, can you clarify what you mean when you say “it only shows my stage” I’m not sure if you have done this already but try going to ‘publish settings’ and play around with the ‘scale’ option under the ‘html’ tab, they have options like ‘no scale’ or ‘exact fit’