Virus protection


ok, here this is quite amusing. i managed to get a parasite on my computer called “rapid blaster”. it’s an evil program that is one of those things that gets installed with another program, usually something pron related. well, after discovering this evil program, i had to figure out how to uninstall it. (its complicated, cuz if you just uninstall it, it respawns itself cuz of a hidden dll that allows it to be automatically downloaded and installed from any site that has it.)

well, after completeing the first step, the initial uninstall, it popped up a popup , and brought me automatically to this questionairre. so i decided to have some fun and actually fill it out. and i am POSTING IT HERE for your amusement. this is just a copy of the html that i made, with the feilds filled in, so no worries, this will not infiltrate your system with evilness like i was subjected to. :wink: please note, there is a scantilly clad woman at the top of the page. nothing you don’t see on tv, but if it is a problem, please tell me and i will remove the image.
also, in the form, one item i checked, and in the HTML you can see the word “checked” next to it so that you know which on was checked. i really got a good chuckle outta this one.

OK :slight_smile:

By the way the search didn’t find anything :frowning:

^^^ new edit