Vista Icon I made looks fuzzy on desktop

I made an icon(with different sizes) to work with Vista. The only problem is it looks fuzzy when put on the desktop. Everywhere else looks great! What am I doing wrong? wrong size? Wrong setting? :stare:

I have

You mind sharing the icon so we can see what your talking about? I’ve made a couple of icons and never had this happen.

Sorry, the client does not allow any of the stuff I make for them to be showed to anyone. I could make you another one but is made the same way?

it wont let me upload ico. file to show you :frowning:

zip it

K here you go… had to put a black circle over it for the non-disclosure reasons.

Any Luck with it?

Look smooth to me all the edges and everything. At all resolutions it looks perfect.

Hmm… I even inspected the image. At what resolution does it look blury on your desktop?

[quote=Templarian;2349709]Look smooth to me all the edges and everything. At all resolutions it looks perfect.

Hmm… I even inspected the image. At what resolution does it look blury on your desktop?[/quote]

[FONT=Arial][COLOR=#000080]1680 x 1050 I think I might be missing a size. What do you think?[/COLOR][/FONT]