Vista keeps freezing!

So I’ve had Vista for about a month now and after a lot of patience and time I’ve decided that I’ll probably keep it. Maybe just install XP as a secodary OS and use it only when I have to.

There is one problem though that’s really (really) annoying.
The stupid thing keeps freezing and the only way out is to shut it of.

It’s mostly when I’m downloading/uploading files. It happens when I download torrents, windows updates or try to submit images or attachments in forms and Gmail but has happened for (what seems like) no apparent reason. Just random.

I’ve googled it a bit and have found that this is relatively common. A lot of laptop users have the same problem. The thing is, there doesn’t seem to be any solutions.

I have a Zepto machine which probably isn’t the best because their support is not only slow, it’s also not that great.

I have the latest BIOS and the memory and hdd show no errors when I’ve scanned them fr errors.

I checked the logg in Vista and found an infinate list of warnings and errors. I can’t fit all the warning-ID’s but I’ll list the error-ID’s. They might give you a hint because I’m all out of ideas.

Source: HttpEvent
ID: 15016
(Microsoft says that I can ignore this error)
Source: EventLog
ID: 6008
Source: EventLog
ID: 1101
Source: EventLog
ID: 1108
Source: Service Control Manager Eventlog Provider
ID: 7000
Source: Service Control Manager Eventlog Provider
ID: 7011
Souce: ACPI
ID: 13

I also got a huge amount of rows that warns me that a disk error has occured. Error code 51.

I don’t know if any of this helps but I’m just posting everything I can fnd just in case.

I’m waiting on an answer from Zepto aswell.