Yesterday surfing around via Vista RC2 a trojan call Spydawn managed to get in my system and wreck havoc on the OS. Long story short after DLing over 10 removal tools and them not working with Vista I spent 6+ hours with MS on the phone being bounced around only to end up where I started with an MS tech saying they don’t support RC2, duh.
I could desribe the ‘classic’ behavior of Spydawn but on my machine it has caused Window’s Explorer to start running in an infinite loop whereby every 10 seconds or so it shuts down Explorer then Windows (I guess) restarts only to stop working again -over and over. Obviously with this I can’t get at my C: to do anything and now when I try to DL anything it causes the Start menu, all desktop program icons and taskbar bar to disappear after the DL is complete. *Resetting the machine is the only way I can get the desktop back on reboot then once again pops up Spydawn’s interface window.
Apparently it’s easy to remove it if you have XP via apps like Prevx1 that can be DL’d (and I have) to my other OS XP on the same hard disk drive but they won’t support Vista.
I’d just wipe RC2 (XP remains uninfected) but I’ve got data I NEED to back up but it can’t be done before resolving the Explorer and Spydawn issue.
Anyone know of anyway I can ‘dig’ Spydawn out of Vista RC2?
ANY help appreciated, thanks.