VMWare Server - connection problems

Ok, I installed Ubuntu. Set it up as a server with apache and all that. Now When I go to ubuntu’s IP ( on the machine VMWare server is installed on it works fine. But when I try it on a PC without the VMWare server installed it doesnt work…?

How can I resolve this?

Open a console in the virtual machine, and type this:


Make sure you are allowing traffic in 80 (http) at least

Forward port 80 to the box just to make sure and port 21 (if you want to add basic FTP to it later).

Uups, just noticed that ubuntu doesnt have system-config-securitylevel. Its a Fedora/RedHat/CentOS exclusive app. At work we use RedHat/CentOS so I thought that you could configure the firewall using it…

In Ubuntu you’ve to forward the ports configuring IPtables directly…

In a terminal:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

or if you want a graphical interface for your firewall u can installl FIRESTARTER

Ok, I will try this :slight_smile: I will keep you updated!

It didn’t work :frowning: It works fine on the pc VMware server is installed on, but not on my pc im using… its getting annoying!

Mmm, its weird… can you make an “ifconfig -a” in a terminal and paste here the results?..

the result:

It seems to be all ok, your eth0 interface is up and working. Are you sure that this PC’s is in the same LAN? If you make a ping from the other PC, to the Server Machine IP (… do you have response?

I keep getting request timed out… hmmm

Mate, then the machines arent in the same LAN! First of all you have to configure the LAN properly…

$ sudo vmware-config.pl

and follow the assistant (make sure you choose the correct paremeters…)

command not found…

Then try this

$perl /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl

and reconfigure the network

PD: You can also try THIS

Thank you SOOO much Loyx!!

I used the solution in the link you posted and it works!!

Thank you!