Voice for website

fruity loops’d be the best here i presume

i don’t think this is what you want but anyway…

thats good enough luksy
thank you sooo much! i really appreciate your help

so you’re gonna use it? Please send me the link of the site so i can see it in action! :wink:

check this out, it sounds pretty darn good for a computer generated voice.


the website still in construction.
dont worry, i’ll let you know
by the way, can i have your email luksy?
maybe i have another one or two words

loki, that thing generate voice like human


it’s luksy@email.com

yes, thast why i recomended it :smiley: its all computer generated tho

me likes

  • while saying so, tries to “borrow” it :stuck_out_tongue: *

how to download it?
do it have any trial program?