Voting will now commence on the cartoon character battle! There’s plenty of entries to choose from, so as usual it’ll be either the first to 30 votes, or whoever has the most votes by the 10th Feb.
Remember the theme was to create your own cartoon monster, using Flash only.
Kitiara’s entry is good but it just isn’t that scary she (it is a she wright?) seems quite cute actually except for the nailes en teeth that is. Maybe something as simple as red eyes instead of blue ones would have made me vote on that one.
I like AJCrowley’s too but I voted on Ilyaslamasse. Well done!
Yeah, I was trying to be creative, going with the Monsters Inc kind of stylee (said with fingers crossed - more like couldn’t think of anything scary). :beam:
wow this is really tough, Kit’s and Pom’s entries are equally good, I like them both, but I had to choose one so I flipped a coin as a tie breaker and so I went with Kit’s cartoon. =)
man, this is hard. kit’s and Ilyas are the two that i like the best. I am more of a fan of the style Ilyas has created. Personal taste, so i picked him, though i must say kits is really nice, and i wouldnt mind to see a little animation of her character. Great work all round.