Vote: Best Robot -- Kitiara versus Mariofan

All right people, here’s the poll (at last).

The winner will be the first to reach 30 votes, or the one with most votes in 10 days.

Here’s the thread:

pom :slight_smile:

i usally gp fpr the cartoon but this time i went for the detail. nice Work both of you but i chose kit.

Again with the tuff choices…

Mariofan’s looked like a great logo for a window washing Co… great job.

Kitiara’s line art was more of my taste… so I voted for the cyborg.


I voted Mariofan, I like the secret weapon a lot :cowboy:

That’s some amazing work, Kit. But ultimately I decided to go with Mariofan. I just love that style.

where did all the other posts and votes go?

thanks for your support everyone!


Think they all got wiped in the server swap over. I guess people will just have to vote again. We’ll extend the deadline for voting too.

hey kit - hope the ‘posse’ battle isnt just us two again!!

I had to go with Marios’ character

…both very good but - even tho a cyborg would technically be a sort of robot, Marios’ hit me as such immediately…

hey kit - hope the ‘posse’ battle isnt just us two again!!
Yep… I thought there were loads of people entering this battle, but looks like I was wrong. Fingers crossed for some more cartoon entries. :slight_smile:

i liked both of them… a LOT!!

but mario got my vote. his entry is so funny and childlike =)
i just love it :love:

good job mario fan, i´m eager to see more of your works :slight_smile:

rock on mariofan! C:-)

I liked both of the art, but kit’s work, it reminded me about our teacher. So I decided to vote for Mariofan.

Go Mariofan!!! :A+: :A+: :slight_smile:

You have a teacher like <i>that</i>?!? :cyclops:

man… if i had a teacher like that, i´d never graduated :stunned:


Kitiara: Yup hehehehe… :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

i voted kit, i think her robots sexy

Poll closed.

congrats to Mariofan and Kit for great entries. well done Mario for winning (well someone had too :D)!