Wacom Graphire 3

I have a Wacom Gaphire 3 tablet. It seemd a bit small to be working with, but I’d like to get used to using the tablet. I have been working with it in flash but have trouble with tracking. Since the tablet is small it’s hard to keep my scetches in proper perspective.

Any advice on technique, style, other programs, etc… Pretty much anything that can help with freehand tablet drawing.


check out Sketchbook by Alias, it is teh bomb! :stuck_out_tongue:

I got it for my gf, and she totally loves it…

Now that program looks promising!, Thanks Eilsoe, I’m gonna DL the demo tonight.

Another program you can try is Painter… although it’s not AS strong as Photoshop it’s still a good program. The real reason I mention this is because the best feature it has and a clear advantage over PS is you can rotate the canvas on the monitor… making it easier to get the types of drawing contours, shapes and strokes you want.

use sketch book or painter

I just got the 6x8 Graphire 3 (the smaller, cheaper one was sold out, so I splurged).It’ll take a week to get used to, but I now find it odd that I’ve been “drawing” with a mouse since 1993…

Anyway, as aknatn said, tracking 6 x 8 to the 17" monitor takes some practice, but after you get into the drawing it gets easier. To my suprise, Absolute postioning works better than relative.

Because of the above raves, I downloaded the Sketchbook trial. How do I place a photo in there to trace or enhance?

I like the Sketchbook program alot, it’s nice to see something designed specifically for tablet use. It will be fun to use the differnent “pencils”, I will post up some sample work when I have time to really get into it.
As for tracking, it will just take practice I suppose :sigh:

@jimhere: Not sure but you can use the screen cap feature to take the lazy way out.

with the graphire 3 u can go into control panel (windows) and change the settings to if the pad represents full screen or a bit of the scree if you know how big your canvass is you can set the wacom to that and just yours ur normal mouse outside of that radius. or just get dual screens like im saveing for :wink: