Just Wondering if any of you guys have them or have used them and just what you think of them in general before i make my decsion if to get one or not.
ive been looking round and have noticed that most of them are the same minus a few extra pen levels and size tablets and of course PRICE! lol .
ive seen some Wacom ones but for a wacom set up im looking at the £90+ marker is it worth spending all that when i can get one with a few less pen sensitive levels and a inch or 2 smaller tablet? for like half the money?
just wondering wat you guys think cos pay day tomos so i hope to see lots of lovely replys lol
i put my faith in you guys guide me to enlightenment…
steps back and bows turns round and fades into the distance
Wacom is the only way to go! I have an Intous which is just awesome, but the graphire is a great line too… either way, get a wacom PERIOD.
Yes it is worth it, yes it is as good as it claims to be, and yes you’ll be amazed at the accuracy and sesitivity… as well as how all of that is customizable. Photoshop just loves it when you work with a stylist
I paint alot of textures for game models and theres alot of fiddly stuff that a graphics tablet eases the pain with. I don’t use it as much as I thought I would though… there are times when a mouse just does the job better…
It depends on what you intend on doing with it. My stuff is usually small and concentrated, I don’t need a big tablet for digital paintings and the like. If you intend on painting up a masterpiece I’d spend the money and go for a bigger tablet.
Im a lefty and unfortunatly dont like mine all that much.
If you aer a lefty like me and tilt the paper to extreams it might be a bit hard to work with, sometimes i love it, sometimes i dont. But thats just becasue like i said, i cant tilt it :-/
No offense this has been answered and discussed I know about 5 times b4. and no they aren’t plug and play you have to install the software to get it to work properly. also the wacom is used just like a mouse and has all fuctionality of one… except they don’t work in games.
They do work in games… Mine just acts like a mouse. We’ll it did look like a frantic alzheimer was playing bf42 from other players point of view. But the tablet does work everywhere.
The tablet is really easy to set up, you have to install a few drivers and set up your choices (dble click speed, pressure etc…) but I’ve never had any problems with it…
I had a version of painter with my wacom though but that’s what pissed me off, it always needed reinstallation so i dropped that and now use PS…
Hmm… okie… I only tried it on one game… a while back… just assumed it didn’t work. Eh… oh well… I’ll still use my mouse for games and wacoms for design.
can u get these graphics tablets in a regular store? ive never heard of these till now :S
i live in canada so, if anyone could help me on this im very interested in buying a top of the line one. moneys no problem. thnx
So the tablet…is like a mouse pad you can draw on if I’m getting this right o.O?! Oh yeah so all the tablet’s come with a mouse and a pen is that the idea? What’s the cheapest one you can get if your planning on using it to draw mostly vector art in flash…maybe some photoshop (I suck with a mouse in flash >_<)?
Ok ok…but Is the rest of the understanding of what I have about it basically correct, that’s it basically a drawable on mouse pad? So what’s the point of bigger sizes anyways? It’s not like the table display’s what you’ve drawn right? So I’m guessing…if I had to… that the bigger sizes are only necessary for professional artists, who need to draw things all at once the size of a painting or something like that? I could probably afford something in the graphire series…but will that still work well with programs like freehand, fireworks flash, and photoshop? On their site they seem to recommend the intuos series for that but they’re not exactly cheap…basically I want to know if the graphire will still be very useful for that kind of stuff (flash,fireworks,freehand,photoshop) and maybe if anyone one know’s if there are any major differences between the graphire and intuous series? Well obviously there is…because there’s a 50$ price difference…but are there any serious one’s that would decrease my performance in the area I wish to use a tablet.
I got a Wacom Grapphire 2… I got it a few christmases ago for £70 UK. It suits me just fine! The pressure sensitivity is good… no scratch that… I was amazed the first time i loaded up photoshop and changed the thickness of my brush dynamically by pushing harder :O. And theres quite a few things you can set to pressure sensitivity. Oh man the other thing that made my jaw drop was drawing with the brush tool using the Wacom pen, then flipping the pen over and erasing… just like a pencil with eraser on top!
I also use the pen in Flash, and it works nice there - i only set it up to pressure adjust pen thickness. I dont know if it does anything else, cuz thats all i need!
The mouse is nice, but its a bit wierd when you reach the edge of the rectangle and the mouse just stops working! Definately use an optical mouse or something for games, but the wacom mouse is fine for moving around your pc… I find the pen really useful when i’ve been using the PC for a long time and i start getting pain in my wrist from using a mouse.
You should be able to pic up Grapphire 2’s really cheap now as the Grapphire 3 is out. Initially i thought £70 was a lot to spend, but i havent regretted it one bit.
Ok great thanks a lot :D! Sounds like you like it a lot :P. Guess it’s going to be the graphire 2 for me :).
EDIT: Looks like I’ll have to get the graphire3 because they basically no longer sell any of the their earlier models. Oh well it’ll still be worth it. It sounds like it adds filter’s to photshop when you install it ^_^! Even more useful…did you get ps filter’s with installing your graphire 2?