
Cool wallpaper… maybe, maybe not…
I got bored… PS’n around :geek:
Feedback would be cool…


image would be cool :stuck_out_tongue:

Here ya go…
I had to reduce the rez…:block:


That’s better:evil:

it kinda looks like moving light :slight_smile:

i think you should add more stuff to it it for a wallpaper!

A little rushed, it seems to be.


It definately didn’t take too long…
I got some new KPT filters, and wanted to see what they would do.

What about this one?

cool, i likee

Thanks Mike… I guess a little opacity would be a good idea for wallpaper. But I just couldn’t do it… I thought it looked sweet the way it is…

(-: Just got bored… I got tons of projects goin on, but sometimes ya gotta get off track a bit…:smirk:

____:eye: jMkM

CAN PS do this !! O my G… !!!

how did u do that “im a n00b” :sure:

Well, BB… Yea, it was ALL PS…
I piped in a random pic. with alot of color…
Distorted that with KPT effects (plug-in)
Then added some lightning bolts (which I also distorted)
It was all PS, but ya GOTTA have KPT plug-ins!!
[ KPT FraxFlame II ]

____:block: jMkM

That last one reminds me of a Jackson Pollock painting. Were you drunk when you made this? I know Jackson Pollock was drunk when he painted some of his stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

No, I don’t drink anymore…
I figured I was crazy enough already…
The thread about the 3D type PS stuff got me curious…:crazy:

looks much better :slight_smile:

Heres another…

even better! :slight_smile:
keep up the good job!

I have been playing around alot today…


me likes :slight_smile: