Well I got honorable mention…
lol. great job ethan!
lol, i like the last entry , how the user tried to attach a psd. lol
-nice entries ethan.
nice job dude. yours were definitely among the best IMO.
ROFL ethan nice man NICE
Wow ethan you should have won for sure! Oh well :-/
http://www.bodyvisual.com/stuff/bbCompetition.jpg that must have been tough to make :sigh:
morse… I really like that one. I think that one was almost perfect. I just didn’t like the serif font choice for the text. Had it been rounded like the b… I would have said that was the winner.
hey ethan
Your last one just about sums up that whole forum of [SIZE=1][COLOR=White]fanatically[/COLOR][/SIZE] loyal followers. I **** near pissed myself when I saw that (might fine paper there). Some more good entries turned up, but those peeps over there still scare me. If you guys see me with more than 20 posts over there, SHOOT ME. That means I drunk the kool-aid…lol
Billy has definately done a good job of creating a following. He’s a very good designer and if his forum can help people be more creative and improve there work… all the better for them.
I entered that. But my entry kinda sucked. It’s the yellow/brown one called room for a view.