
So I got an email from Billy about a wallpaper contest he’s having. I didn’t really want to make any, but then I got the feeling and had to create some stuff. Maybe I have the extra energy since Unflux is taking forever with his volley.


hint to unflux :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats cool, I like the bathroom one. What’s with the checkered pattern when you zoom out? And why are everyone elses so small?

I got the same e-mail. I was actually disappointed in the turn out. I don’t think any of them are that strong. It doesn’t seem like ANY of their heavy hitters came out to play for that one.

I find that forum very scary and weird. All of these people probably have BB tattooed on the posteriors. I mean all these people make things for him, praise him and idolize him. I just find it too weird. There is some tremendous talent there, and I go there and look from time to time, but I dont drink the kool-aid.

if you ever say something negative about him on that forum no doubt you will be assassinated be someone from that board seeking mod-ship.

They definately love their Billy. What I think it funny is how he spawned so many avatars and images of guys in ball caps with their heads 3/4. Imagine if Kirupa had the same kind of sway with us. We’d all be sporting loafers and unibrows.

I’m gonna get a tattoo on my back of Kirupa’s face! :beam:

Ethan, I like that love letter one you made… very creative?

very creative? …!!!

What’s teh question mark supposed to mean??? huh? is it creative or isn’t it?!?

Why do you always do this to me!?

yeah the ball cap thing hehe -

yeah there were a couple “eye candy” ones, i dont have any time to enter or i would :frowning:

i still have to battle morse… lol


Looks around[COLOR=White]Starts Shooting Kirupians in the head for talking about Billy[/COLOR]Sneaks Out

Dj, It’s ok for one man to love another.

Lol. I was just kidding.:smiley:

I wasn’t. Now back on topic: How friggin great am I and my wallpapers!

Your wallpapers are great?

lol bro the one with the bathroom is too funny, but they are all good.

The entries are okay…I am with Simplistik on that. Ethan yours is cool. The bathroom one is funny.

Still think it is odd his cult like following. And if I see one more hat pulled down quarter turned image of him I am going to scream. Oh and to those that have not yet…DONT DRINK THE KOOL AID.

Please stop bro my chest is starting to hurt from laughing :lol:

the bbclan

you’re going back on my people to kill list.

don’t forget to take all your pictures with both hands in pockets.:esmirk: the bathroom one is classic, I like the vector girl closeup.

All I can say is: :lol: