WarCraft 3 Clan?

Ruski: Does that mean you are in?

3 more if ruski isout 2 if he is in.

warcraft 3 sucks. they rushed the release of it and it was bad.

number 2 is better.

Confusious says: Those who flame shold just quietly…


Seriously - War3 was by no means rushed :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know if I said I was in, but count me in ! :stuck_out_tongue:

I edited my first post. We currently have 7 people, thats just 2 more!

Other info i need:
What would be a good time EST for us to meet? I am thinking either afternoon or night (around 8 EST or 10 EST, i know i am gone from 9-10 PM).

Let me know because we would all have to meet to get this thing off the ground.

Once again to anyone who is interested, there is no exculsion. If you are a n00b so be it, we can help you get better. We are just trying to start something that all kirupaForum members can be apart of and have fun with while playing one of the best RTS games ever.

Well i’m from the US EAST mirror and i usually am on during 8-10 o clock

i usually don’t stay longer then 10 especially during school, if it was school which is from Sept to mid June, i am on from 4 or 5 -10. i use 3 hours for lunch/HW/etc. rest of my time i spend surfing or on WCIII

Well i would like to do this like within the week.

I was just talking about a time so that we can make the clan. If any of you got some friends - call em in so we can get this thing off the ground!

thank you :smiley:

You stated earlyer that it was…

Rushed??? Please, tell me how on God’s green Earth (Or the Big Bang’s green Earth if it suits you) was Warcraft 3 rushed? There were years and years in between it and the second one. Not to mention the scrapped the engine twice in order to produce a better one. By no means was WC2 better. RTS games is a genre that gets better with time. Unlike side-scrollers and adventure games, who’s true prime was years ago.

Rushed. Bah. Mumbles about people having no clue what they are talking about


Come on guys! 2 more people!

The Next 2 People to Join in will get a chance to come to my house and wack me with a Foam bat!

[size=1]crosses fingers behind back[/size]

hahaha. darn. i already joined. can i still wack you with a foam bat mx?

well hey, I used to hate war3 also, and thought 2 was better, but now I know more.

Rofl mx, that pic is so funny looking because its so big :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m new here, and I just found this thread. I’m really active in WarCraft 3: The Frozen Throne. I don’t know if you guys still need more members, but I’m here if needed. My account is the-implant, so whisper me or what ever.

By the way, my play history % sucks because this account used to be a joke account. Judge by my ladder stats, please. :slight_smile:

Alright i’ll pass you the Foam bat when i can hehe,

just one more to go Mdipi!