WarCraft 3 Clan?

Looking to make a War3: TFT clan for kirupa members.

I want to know if the interest is here? Let me know and i will try to get this thing up as fast as possible!


edit: I need 9 people who are clanless to make this (as the battle.net rules go) so let me know and we can all add eachother to our friends list or meet in a channel and get htis off the ground!

Official List:
ma circa 402

Im up for a clan :wink: Just have to grab a new account and then Ill be all ready to join :smiley:

I already got one. [OMG] Zerg Rush!

Sounds good Pat :thumb:

Behemoth-Dan: well - we all know kirupaForumClan (kFc :P) will be 10x better soooo…:wink:

What mdipi is trying to say is…maybe make a new account and have a little fun with our KFC clan when your clan isn’t around…it will be our little secret and your other clan will never know your cheating on it. What [OMG] doesnt know wont hurt em’ :stuck_out_tongue:

I may do that. KFC is just the type of clan name that will strike fear into the souls of the opponents who dare challenge us!

Oh mike/ghost - I just realized that 2v2 strats don’t work in 3v3 hehe :run:


What’s funny, is that I can almost guarantee at that at anyone time, someone from my clan is online. But I am sure that some of my clan would love to do a little clan vs clan for kicks and giggles. I might be able to talk them into giving themselves a handicap to make it fair. :smiley: Considering members of my clan have been ranked as high has number 2 on Lordearon.

Yeah kirupa/dipi, that was a bad game ;( We need to get a good 3v3 strategy next time we go out there. Havn’t done too many of those :puzzled:

yes a clan sounds good, im in if you guys want me. bnet name: bobdoe

Okay so we have:
grinch (he will be in, or me and pat will make him cracks knuckles)

That’s 4 and we need 9. This is open to only members of kF, but there is no post count needed, so if you got a frined, have him sign up, post i this thread :smiley: Maybe they will stick around and that would be super!

Yeah - it’s a lot more painful when the guy you are rushing has two allies who are determined to stop you :stuck_out_tongue:

Its even more painful when your best player (you) gets slaughtered and takes my army with it :stuck_out_tongue:

You missed the end though - gh0st almost won! Hop on AIM and i will send you the replay.

I played my first 3v3 since they reset the ladder. Me and my clannies all went random, and got hero rushed with two Farseers and a Keepr of the Grove (That is a lot of summoned units). I got UD, while my partners got NE and Orc. We fought of the first rush, while I lost 3 acolytes. The second time they came around, the managed to not only slaughter all my acolytes, they took out my Necropolis, so no more workers, and no more un-summoning. But we did manange to completely own their armies once we got back to my base. So I now have 7 fiends and a Death Knight. But that was fine. :slight_smile:

With the Mountain Giant chain taunt, Forces of Natures having their way with the opposing archer line, we still managed to win.

It was a rough defeat but at the end I was acting like I was going to win, for fun, even though they had an enormous army :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyways come on guys join! You can only start a clan in the game if you have 9 players so every person is needed

OMG i have to be in this my name screams warcraft, i even made a Tourniment earlier about warcraft.

so it’s kfc? Finger Lickin good! " i just love hormonically altered, 110% fatty chicken!"

Haha, welcome to clan KirupaForumClan

4 More?

That would be about right

hey dipi havent been on the forums in a while ive been on vacation. but id love to be in it man.

mmm kfc…sounds finger lickin’ good!