Wave code

I was wondering if anyone had a code that could help make a wave effect. The image im useing is a really simple upside down v shape but I want it to look like its actually coming in like a wave. If anyone has any ideas please share :bounce:

Thanks a bunch =) =)

This could be an idea, but I honnestly don’t know how you could adapt it:

//Edited by pom
//The following additional lines of code are given for dynamic experimentation.
//As such, all values were initially hard coded and therefore these lines
//do not count toward the 25 line limit, which my code excalty hits.    

size = 300			//the size of the "pool" (multiples of 15)
amplitude = 30			//initial wavefront amplitude (0-100)
viscocity = .1			//determines how "thick" the fluid is (0-1)
elasticity = .5			//essentially determines freq of ripples (0-2)

_global.root = this ;

//sets a time for each drop indicating when the wavefront from click will reach it
this.onMouseDown = function(){
	for(i = 1; i <= k; i++) {
		var dx, dy ;
		var clip = root["Drop"+i] ;
		clip.distance = ((dx = clip._x - root._xmouse)*dx + (dy = clip._y - root._ymouse)*dy)/10;
		clip.ripples.push(getTimer() + clip.distance/2);
for(i = 0; i < size; i+=25) for(j = 0; j < size; j+=25){
	Drop = this.createEmptyMovieClip("Drop"+(++k), k);
	Drop._x =  j;
	Drop._y =  i;
	Drop.ripples = new Array();
	Drop.col = new Color (Drop);
	Drop.onEnterFrame = function(){
		for(i = 0; i < this.ripples.length; i++){
			if(getTimer() > this.ripples*){
				this.ripples.splice(i, 1);
				this._xscale -= amplitude ;
				this._yscale -= amplitude ;
		this.Az = (100 - this._xscale)*(elasticity)
		this.Vz = (this.Vz + this.Az)*(1-viscocity)
		this._xscale = this._yscale += this.Vz ;
		dif = 100 - this._xscale ;
		var difO = {aa:50,rb:0,gb:0,bb:this.vc=100+1.5*dif};

Ah I wish I could take a look at that code now but I cant until I get home on Tuesday. Your ideas are always good so im sure that I can use it in some way.