We will miss you 'RX740' :(

A sad day for me and my brother :frowning: today we say goodbye to my brothers RX7, which is being sold to a friend. Yes we will see it around here and there, but it will not be the same, Lets take this time to remember the many great memories it has given me and my brother and wish it the best of luck in the future to its new owner.

CYA RX740 :sigh:


where do you live? never seen that plate before…nvm…Livin in the land down unda…where children roam and women take cover…

Yep, Australia MATE!

Not a bad looking ride m8… Shame ya sold it.

pimp mobile… well not quite, but nice ride. Looks like a hella nice day in ausie land!

yeah that is nice… wish I had a little money to fix up my car… :frowning: its in crap shape…

Goodbye RX740…

Hello Ecto-1!

and hello chics galore
its a shaggin-wagon!

lol, Ghost busters!!

Something strange in your neighbourhood…Who you gonna call…Ghost busters!


MMm… the Ecto-1… So dreamy… I bet Sen owns one of those… Since he’s a dream machine himself :love:

There was one for sale around here a couple of years ago; if I had the money (it was only like 3-4g in surprisingly decent condition) I would have soooo bought it and ecto-tized it. Id rule… at least in my own imaginary fairy-land - and thats all that matters =)

Yeah… That would-a kicked *** man… lol

*Originally posted by senocular *
**Goodbye RX740…

Hello Ecto-1!

and hello chics galore
its a shaggin-wagon! **

LMAO!!! Sen I swear you have the most retarded sense of humor, but I love it!!! :crazy:

Once again you’ve managed to make me choke on my food, I should stop browsing the forum while eating my dinner. :battery:

lol phil, so I wasn’t the only one!!!


by the way everyone, its my brothers car!!

so much for that wishful hand-me-down :sure: