*****Weapon Of Choice*****

yep… luckily actionscript, php, javascript and c++ and i guess a few other languages seem to have similar syntaxes (sp?)

Flash>Fireworks>Dreamweaver Integration. I can get multi-kills with these software titles.

photoshop, the first software i learned and still going strong.


Flash 5, Flash MX, 3ds max, Photoshop, MaxEd! Oh and I once used Ulead Cool 3d too but that was a long time ago!

Flash. Since I can program with it <i>and</i> draw with it, it’s such a versatile program.

Then it has to be my female charm. :stuck_out_tongue:

He he…

Nice 1 kit…

Your female charms indeed…


Flash 4 me 2…

Same reasons as kit…

Only limit is your imagination…

actually, if i really think about it my mouse is my real weapon…


fireworks makes me happy. its fun with all those different kinds of pens…

my weapon of choice has always been the MP5 Navy, closely followed by the Steyr Tactical Marine Pistol, or as I like to call it, my Swiss Cheese Machine.

I can never get enough of rushing in dust and hiding beside the opening to the tunnel things. the TMP’s so short they don’t see you, and they jump out, and you go

Vrooo-tchoo-tchoo-tchoo-tchoo-tchoo-tchoo. Or perhaps Fwi-tshi-tshi-tshi-tshi-tshi with the silencer on.

thats pretty good… I like the wooshiiwooshiiwoo…

I would have to use my M1 Tomphson… with a 30 round clip, drums too heavy. Not to accurate, but has real knocking power. My backup offcourse would be a G3A3, with probobly a 1911 as my secondary… And if I feel Ramboish a AK-74

Other than that… I would use Dreamweaver with a quickload of Flash and Fireworks… and as a Photoshop as my secondary…

Oh, right. I meant to say Photoshop 7.0
