Whats Your Favorite Drawing Tool?

Vote on what your fav drawing tool in flash is.

Line and the circle. Square can be good too.

Paintbrush all the way :slight_smile:

Who uses that?!? :stuck_out_tongue:

Line for me. :slight_smile:

Shatpank tool isn’t on the list! :frowning:

That’s because you made it up. :sure:


er i don’t draw much in flash but whan i do i use all for them!?!

if i need a square i use the Square Tool

(well i guess i use the line the most :-\ )


even i dont do much of a drawing and neither am i any good at it :cry:but yea i use line too a lot.

ill go for the most basic–LINE TOOL! :stuck_out_tongue:

I voted wrong, I meant line tool. Line tool is the best because you can bend it in perfect form…I’m gonna have a drawing contest now at the battles forums.

imma line type of guy

Definitely the square…though I haven’t done anything with square in a long time :cool:

you people need to get yourself a tablet so you can have a better appreciation for the paintbrush :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a tablet. :beam:

Just not at home where I do most of my drawing. :stuck_out_tongue:

But before I got hold of that, I always used the ine to draw with Flash. Other programs I used other tools, but for Flash… Yeah, it’s always been the Line for some reason. :sure:

In Illustrator I use the Pen. Photoshop… Well, I avoid drawing freehand in that anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can someone, probably Kit because you draw very often and seem to know this stuff :), tell me why the pen tool in illustrator cannot act the same way as the pen tool in photoshop? I think if they could make the PS tool as easy to use as the ILL one I would barely have to ever open Illustrator. Does it have to do with the fact one is vector and the other isnt? I just can’t see it being that big of a problem…

*Originally posted by SureShot *
I think if they could make the PS tool as easy to use as the ILL one I would barely have to ever open Illustrator

hense less illustrator sales hense not gonna happen :wink:

hense this **** capatilistic world we live in.

hense me spending hard earned money on more software.

hense this is bullcrap :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah… I can’t get on with the Pen in PS. Plus it’s not vector based like Illustrator, so when I screw up my proportions, I can’t resize without losing the quality. :slight_smile:

Basically, at least as far as my kind of drawing is concerned, Illustrator is best for outlining, Photoshop is best for colouring.

the answer is obviously the line tool :wink: