Web Agent 007 Rip (Just Kidding!)

I bet you don’t read all the posts in a thread.
I know it.
I know it.

thats cause wa007 made bmg music lol

bmg probably ran into the site and just said, we want that type of site… i mean i wouldn’t criticize their creativity

Oooohhh. I didn’t know that lol.

  • BTW, xxviii, why would I read all the posts, I just skimmed through all of them, is there something I missed? If not, you sound really annoying when you mock me :player:.

I was going through some old SOTW posts and I ran across this one: Click Me and I instantly realized the splash is a copy of www.synthesis01.com :). Wierd :puzzle:.

I bet you don’t read all the posts in a thread.
I know it.
I know it.

lol good one man :slight_smile:


Hey, I can’t believe BMG’s site looks just like WA007. What a rip off! Who would do that?? Has anyone told WA007?

Sorry just felt like being an arse.

I still don’t have an answer to why it says that it was made by http://www.elasticpeople.com/ . It’s a no-name design company, so I thought they ripped wa007.

Sharif, don’t you think that when I said that is was some sort of subtle hint to read the posts? I already proved that it’s not a rip.

2 great sites, some similarities, wouldnt call it a ripp

it’s not really a rip, just some similarities.

[edit] What he said ^ [/edit]