Web Agent 007 Rip (Just Kidding!)

http://www.bmguslatin.com ripped www.wa007.com

In the attached file, you will see a few similarities. There are a lot more that I didn’t include. By the way, BMG US Latin just got a http://www.fcukstar.com/ award. I think rippers shouldn’t win awards.

wow those are like, exact…

man, you post quick! :smirk:

I cant believe its BMG music

i wouldn’t call that a rip-off. :sigh:

Have you told them ?

Pehaps they helped make it.

I wouldn’t either, bmg’s looks much much better. I bet web agent 007 ripped off bmg anyway. And anyway, how original is the number 007. :sure:

*Originally posted by The_Vulcan *
**Have you told them ?

Pehaps they helped make it. **

I didn’t tell them.

Who would help make two of the same site?:huh:

*Originally posted by ahmed *
**i wouldn’t call that a rip-off. :sigh: **

There is so much more.

  • AIM buddy icon downloads
  • Streaming MP3 songs
  • Color scheme.

now that i look at it overall they are different, but some parts are the same…

Who would help make two of the same site?

I don’t know who would want to, but I am sure there are people who do.

Just so you guys know, wa007 made the bmw site. They link to it on their main page.
Dig a little deeper before you label people as rips, killer.

ahaha. wow i just looked athte WA007 site. their last project was the BMG site…they did help make it :stuck_out_tongue:

… :sigh:

*Originally posted by The_Vulcan *
**I don’t know who would want to, but I am sure there are people who do. **

Well, I guess you are right on the money. Haha! :beer: I guess some designers have no creativity.

BUT! Why does it say created by Elastic People on the bottom of the splash and flash page??? Eh?

Just to piss you off

I renamed the thread’s title also :slight_smile: It’s a nice site - both of them!

haha, nice kirupa.

Its not they don’t have creativity. Sometimes a client will come in and look at a previous work and say “I want that.” It sounds dumb but I’ve seen it happen.

I knew it! As soon as I saw those colors I was like “hmm, this is gonna be a rip, but lemme not assume…”

Afterwards, the first flicker of that top image is the same sound as WA007! If you go to wa007.com and then listen the blip sound they use constantly and compare it with BMG, it’s the same. I bet that BMG guy took some decompills and decompiled there site.
