Web-based MSN Messenger?

It’s my question day today :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, do any of you guys know a good web-based (and free) MSN Messenger? Messenger is being blocked by the firewall at my work, which is not cool, especially when I have nothing to do. Instead of reading the forum every 15 minutes I could annoy a couple of people in my list… I know there are some, but I just can’t find them.


Nope… I have the same problem with my firewall. :sure:

It sucks :frowning:

i didn’t even know these things existed! that would be so cool. Like a chat room, but better…

It exists, but it’s not free here: www.mister-i.com
The interface sucks too. It worked for 3 days… now I have to pay if I want to use it again.

trillian works through company firewalls sometimes. :beam:

never heard of that. whats the link?

got it!

its not web based, its a regualr messenger, but it allows you to connect to AIM, MSN, ICQ, IRC, and YAHOO. try setting it up like normal, and if it wont conenct, then i believe you can mess with the preferences and perhaps get it working. :slight_smile:

woops, just saw your edit. hehehe

ARGH! No! It doesn’t work! :frowning:

:frowning: im sorry. there used to be an online thing that would connect, let me see if i can find it again.

this looks quite itneresting.

i think i may put it up on one of my sites. hrmmm.

Tried this one, didn’t work either…
It really has to be web-based, not too well-known, 'cause they block everything here!!

yeha, but that can be web based. i dunno how cuz i didnt read too much, so maybe i’m wrong, but i’m pretty sure it can be just an inline messenger.

trillian seems to be working, but not well .it connects for about 10 mins, then goes again. What did you mean by playing with the settings anyway?

*Originally posted by golgi *
**this looks quite itneresting.

i think i may put it up on one of my sites. hrmmm. **

this looks cool, but whats it about? does it integrate directly into your web page? put it in simple terms for me, i couldn’t be bothered to read the site sorry!

orange - look into the preferences… see if theres anything you can tweak there, like firewall settings or something. also, im not sure how integrity works, but i have found a few other solutions perhaps to you guys’s dilemma



oh! some more solution ideas? Tell us! Tell us! oh sweet maiden :stuck_out_tongue:

ooh, i like tha sound of that…
keep schmoozing…