Web layout program

Hi all,

I am looking for some comments on this program I designed to help people design a web site. As many of you know, a lot of clients have no idea what they want and then when you do something…they tend to get picky. Well this program puts the designing (at least partially) on them. I’ve spend over 150 hours on this and I would like to make some money off of this. I am going to post the swf file but I will be selling the fla file for $50.00 and will create someone’s design for around $200.00 and under. Not including content!

I would like to get everyones comments and also…send me your screen prints of your designs. I would like to see how creative people get=) I will be expanding on it at sometime in the future. Like adding more tabs for different designs inclusions. In which anyone who is interested could help me with.

If you would like to order the FLA or get a design in flash or HTML please email me at guitarzen@aol.com


Note: the color component in this will tax a CPU so you will need a decent computer to use. Eventually I will make this with just a 10 color selector for all computers to use. I also have an instructional swf but you’ll need to email me to get it. It’s 350k. Just be aware of the small squares in the corners of frames…they have options!


still waiting for a reviews!

W"oaaa thats a col idea man – the UI is a bit hard to use - especially for clients with no design app experience-- maybe u need to lead people thru the coices-- eg first choose a page layout, pick one of these… now … something like that …

but wow nice little app, a lot of work I am sure, Looking forward to seeing the finished product. ( its very processor hungry? - hard to use sometimes because of this)

  • keep trying - Kudos to u man

You’re going to destroy us all! Giving people a program that makes web designing a lot easier is bad news for us web designers.

The thing is…it doesn’t design the web page. It is only a visual representation or layout program to help the client get ideas for what they might like. Once they get that…it still needs to be designed and the information added.

Thanks for the review. I did create a small flash movie to use as instructions on how to use it. I would have added it to my upload but it ended up to large to do so. The processor problem is easily over come by taking out the color component and just do a 10 color selector but it will limit the selectivity of it all.

If you want the instructional video email me and I’ll send it to ya. guitarzen@aol.com

Guitarzen - I think its an awesome idea(not the first), but on the right track.

In my experience: A flash UI to allow clients to create mockups IS A WICKED IDEA, We did the same… created a client interface for planning, laoyut and colour schemes… similar to what you have done but on a larger scale…

All I can say we failed for a number of reasons,…that clients generally want you to use your experience in communicating their brand to the world ( thats why they pay u). The more clients interfere, the more the channels of communication get closed by their involvement.If however you were to after some research approach the same client and propose a full solution using your knowledge of markets and how to make them money, and build their brand… u got the signature on the dotted line.

Its no longer a case of a 15 year old in is bedroom pasting images and text on a blank page- as the same care and attention to consumer taste and choice in a new market ( the internet) .

I guess what I am trying to say is: this is more aimed at designers wanting to quickly mock-up layouts for clients. Clients themselves want U as a designer to creatively sell their idea or product. With a little more work on the UI, and focused targeting this could grow into something great for newgbie designers wanting to create simple layout schemes and content placement diagrams?

Athough… the point of flash surely is to allow creative ideas to flourish outside of the constraints of HTML / block driven content

unfortunately any applcati0on always has its limits creatively (flash included) - but logic built applications always will give a creative team more headaches if it is available to businesmen with what they think is a “creative vision” for their company " oh and can we make it all in cornflower blue?" perhaps it would be better suited to studios wishing to create layouts o nthe fly?

Keep going, its looking great…( am I making sense?..3am - two eyes one skull-hole- bed soon. :ninja: )