
A member has approached me about starting this up again.

I’m up for organizing it again. I just want it to go a lot better than last time LOL. Do you all think it is a good idea?

If you could list out some Pros/Cons!

-Community Morale - Will bring the forums back together under a purpose?
-Revitalize the boards a little…maybe help to forget some of the recent events.
-Good artwork and preview of what styles are being represented.
-Allow some quality members to take the spotlight.

-Participation - People getting things in on time - on both sides of the fence.
-Time Involvement - I’m willing, but would like another’s help this time around in case I become unavailable.
-Settling on rules - There again, if we keep the planning more private…it might help.
-“Why wasn’t I allowed to enter?” threads rofl rofl rofl…

I think if a clear cut plan is established, this could go off a lot better than last time. It generated a lot of exposure last time and got two boards talking to each other again.

Which communities?
Just BB or maybe someone else? - perhaps three communities this time?

Anyway, just thought I’d throw it out there. It’s not going to happen anytime this month, but perhaps with the May 1st reboot upon us, having this competition soon after will help carry that “design excitement” a bit longer.
