or what you could do is offer different deadlines for the different contests. I know for the 3d one I am going to need some time. SInce my model is pulling double duty I got to run it through the pipeline. I wont have time to make 2 different models (I am still in the sketch/conept stage but I know where I am taking it). Unless Ironik wants to step back in?
yeah just talked to blinking about it yesterday i think it was - you will be able to submit your work starting next monday(26) - you will have until the end of the week to get it submitted.
Ummm… I was just informed yesterday that my opponent Jnicklo has forfeit the logo design. So that is an automatica point for us. However I was thinking that, I could have it called as a draw to save him some face… I dunno
Do we have an exact date for deadline? If it’s tomorrow (26th) there’s no way I can get it done. However, later in the week is perfect. I was really thrown off by an emergency with my mom right before leaving for vaction. I don’t want to anyone down, just being honest. I have so much work to do, as we all do. I just want to plan some time for this.
I have 0 seconds out of [ insert designated goal here ] done. Considering I found out about this late and have been working 50 hour weeks while preparing for my law school internship tomorrow is way too early.
How do we submit ? Just post a zip in here or what ?
Oh another thing … since voting is going to be anonymous, I suppose it’s gonna be a problem that my footer submission has my logo in it ?
Sorry to hear that Dan. But if that’s the way it has to be, then so be it. Guess that makes the competition even again: 9-9.