
how can you put a webcam on you site?

via flash or via some other means.
I have no clue?

please help:

I think FlashComm has something like that. Otherwise, usually it’s like, capture-load-refresh thing where someone has to refresh the picture every once in a while in order to get a new picture. But not sure about being Live though.

you need a soft on your pc to ftp-upload a new pic every so many secs, and there’s flas over at flashkit that will reload the pic into an swf…or pay big bucks for flashcomm hosting…ask ahmed :wink:

Flashcomm hosting is really expensive, you need a dedicated server. Ahmed can do it because he’s hosting himself on his own home computer, thats why he can do it for free.:stuck_out_tongue:

self hosting is still the best… except the bandwidth :wink:

i installed flashcom once too, but it took soooooo long to connect to it…

You can also stream it using Windows Media Encoder.

I do it like that on my site. You just need WMP9 to view it.

My webcam isn’t on 24/7 so it may not work right now.