Hi Everybody,
Please critique WDB’s new look http://www.webdesignersbookmarks.com. Thanks in advance for your time.
Regards, Ades
Hi Everybody,
Please critique WDB’s new look http://www.webdesignersbookmarks.com. Thanks in advance for your time.
Regards, Ades
looks pretty bare. not much on the graphic side. i know the look you are looking for but its just a little too far in that direction
too many ads also
I definately agree w/ apix, and I also want to say that you need to dump the tables and go w/ xhtml standardized coding.
yeah, my first thought is that it’s basically a portal just trying to trick me into clicking on an ad. that makes me close the page and never come back.
Holy GoogleAds Batman!
I’m pretty picky when it comes to websites that are setup for other website designers/developers. My main issue is the lack of XHTML/CSS use on those kinds of sites. It’s like saying, “Hey we know where to find all the best stuff, we just don’t make use of it ourselves!” That drives me away from some (okay most) sites like this.
Yes, as you can see the look & feel of WDB has been updated since you last visited, the design is faster and more user friendly.
Really? Even with all those tables, it’s faster? Makes me wonder what slowed the old version down.
The look of the site, hey I like it. I’m from the “less is more” camp. Where if you can get away without a ton of images and still have the site look decent, then go with it. Overall it’s not hard on the eyes, a nice simple layout with everything right at my fingertips. Of course I could really do without the millions of ads on the site.
Agree with whats been said ^^ the google ads and the amount of them is overkill though.
Thanks a lot for all your comments. I will take them into account for the next updates.
I do agree with “simplistik” and I will get it XHTML compliant in the near future.
Thanks again!
seems like it’s mostly google adds.
your google adds in the header of your site are overwhelming the logo/title of your site. i’d either remove them or find a way to make your logo/header stand out better against those adds.
I agree about the ads. I immediately wanted to leave the site because of them. If you wanted to draw attention away from the ads maybe you should use some images for your own sections. I generally like the ‘less i more’ mantra, but you have to make your own sections stand out from the adverts.
Hi all,
Adsense ads are my ‘bread n butter’, however I know what you all mean… I have reduced the ads now to 2 Ads and 1 AdLinks.
much better
yea, better. the header is still being drownout… but if you need the adds, you need the adds.
around the top left corner there is a bit of text that is peeking out from behind the main table.
it’s been fixed now, thanks.
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