

I’m a complete newbie to flash and actionscript. Have been asked to update flash clip a developer wrote who has now left the componay.

I have been banging my head against a Actionscript wall alll week,

I need to connect a flash clip from our South African server, via a webservice, to our german server.
I somehow managed to connect within the flash development environment, a couple of time, now it’s broken again. On the live sites I just cannot get it to connect… all kinds of errors, like “Error loading WSDL”, “Wrong WSDL Format” or it connects and just sits there. Executes the webservice method call, but no result, no error… nadda. Tried crossdomain.xml on our german server, tried local proxy.php route… NOTHING

The webservice is on http://intranet.tray-international.com/tray_code/nusoap/branchservice.php. One of the methods I need to use is GetBranchDetailsXML(str_xml_request), with str_xml_request = “<request><branch>104</branch></request>”;
If there is anyone out there capable of making a simple connection to this service, and get back the XML returned, pls let me know how you did this. I’ve run out of google search terms