Webservices -- Calling a WSDL document in a protected directory

Hello all,

I am trying to call an external PHP script file (it’s a SOAP server script) file from within Flash. Now, the directory the php script is in is password-protected, so my call to the webservice function is like so:

// Initialize the WebService Class here
wsdl = new mx.services.WebService(“http://username:password@www.test.com/soap/server.php?wsdl”);

I get an error saying “Error Opening URL blah blah”

Now, I tried taking the username/password off of the directory and made my call like so:

// Initialize the WebService Class here
wsdl = new mx.services.WebService(“http://www.test.com/soap/server.php?wsdl”);

And it works fine, no errors.

What could I be doing wrong?

PS – I know the username/password I am using are correct, so that’s not the issue :wink:
