Well here is the idea. If anyone is in the process or is planning too make a website please join, the idea is simple. Just make a website and we will post a poll which will determine who has the best website (visually). You can use ANYTHING to enhance the look. Anybody in?..
You mean a FULL website?..or just a main page with buttons that could go somewhere but don’t(for battle sake)?..could be a Huge project or a simple battle…what were you thinking?
Funny thing is I was recently talking to my partner about this same thing…we have our official/unofficial launch on Monday, and once it was up we were gonna challenge the same kind of idea here, for portfolio stuff…could it be a team effort?..and can it wait until next week?
If not, I fully understand it’s your challenge.
No im up for whatever. I will probably need even more then next week. probably 2 weeks. The only problem is i have a lot of crap going on right now so i might not be able to meet the deadline. but i dont care if its a team effort… Thanks
PS By the way, do have any flash or ps projects that i can take a look at to see you (and your partners) skill level. I am not that advanced but i think i will be able to hold my own…
I wasn’t thinking a deadline of next week, but rather not being able to start until next week…I can’t really show you what we have right now, he’s very hush hush about stuff, I can tell you that it’s pretty good stuff(trying to be humble, I apologize if it comes off any other way)…my flash skills are still in their infancy but his graphic stuff more than compensates for me…I wish I could give you a sneak peak, but he’d kill me…and hey, maybe you can find someone here to partner up with…it might make it more fun. And as far as how long we have to do this, I’m cool with 2 weeks or even longer…whatever gives us all the time to get something together that we’re truly happy with…and not a rush job.
im good alone. can you show me any of his old ps stuff. sorry for if i come of pushy i just want to see what im up against . It will be a nice suprise so i dont mind at all not seeing a sneak peak. My site is going to look kinda corporate (it is a doctor site, not my portfolio). What do you mean start? Have you guys not done any of it yet? Just tell me when you want it to be done. Thanks
oooo crap that is going to be a kick *** looking site. well you dont have to use something new… if you dont have the time. you could just use your portfolio site. I bet it is going to look unreal…
I wish I could show you what we have, every time he does something new it blows my mind…and then he improves on it again…and it blows my mind…and then…well, you see where I’m going…I was thinking, if it’s ok, that once we launch, hopefully Monday, that we could start something new for this battle to use in our portfolio…would that be ok?..or would that make this battle take too long?
NO, THAT WOULD BE PERFECT! Thanks for joining, i think you guys are the only guys who were willing to step up to the plate! lol The client whome i am making the site for doesn’t want any sound so try not to take that into account. Just check back in here whenever something comes up. Thanks
Will do, and I haven’t fully run this by my partner, which means it might just be me, and I’ll apologize ahead of time for not giving you a run for you money, if that’s the case