Website?Best Way The Right Way?

I am only young and still am still in debt from buying Flash mx :slight_smile: and my hosting space :slight_smile: which is quite cheap for whatit is.

I was just wondering i am making my website out of Flash MX and i just need some info on how to get it all together.

Should i start of with a sketch and go from their. Or should i pull items that i have made and slap them together?. Should i use different tutorials to join them together and make a website?
I just dont know which way to go about it.

Is their any place i can get a basic blank template i.e. The actionscript filled in a blank enter page. Makes a window pop up in center of screen containg a blank box with text in it. At the bottom 5 boxes. The buttons change the Box with text in it to their scene and stuff itā€™s just i find it hard wrking with the actionscript even in tutorials it just baffels me.

I know most of the above is utter crap and ranting and raving but i dont kno how to put it really my website currently stinks and i want it to be usefull.

p.s. is their anyone younger than 14 on these boards?

*Originally posted by VisualAid *
p.s. is their anyone younger than 14 on these boards? **


have you checke out:


so what do i do just take bits of actionscript coding and read that guide? Will it help me out

well ive just started to make my first website (and yes i am 14) my approach so far has to put a main menu where the buttons use tell target to make the right pages appear with text. then i have just uploaded all of this with brinkster and it has worked fine so far!
:cyborg: hope this helps at all, if not hope this wastes 20 seconds of your time :bad:


can you show me this website you have created ? i would like to take a peek :smiley:

im 15 if thats any comfort and i 2 am completley stupid when it comes to actionscript

hey there! just checked out your home page, I really like the concept! the links are running some javascript errors on my (IE6) pageā€¦might need to take a look at it?


my advice to you is defo do all the tutorials, read books, etcā€¦practice,pracice, practice! get to understand the concepts and then have a go at putting something togetherā€¦its not too difficult, remember, keep your main nav on the main(parent) swf and call in the other child swfā€™s when neededā€¦REALLY do the ā€˜full site tutorialā€™ā€™, its really worth a shotā€¦

best of luck :wink:


Yes Iā€™m 13.

Also I like the cube effect you have made looks good. :thumb:
Did you use tutorial to make that cube? If so could you tell me site please, as I just wondered how it was done as Iā€™m quite new to flash so I want to learn as much as I can.



Wow I never knew there were so many kids my agr age on the board (14).

Here is what I would do, although my way does not mean the best way :slight_smile:

  1. Get some sketch paper, a pencil and an eraser, Lay out what you want the page to look like, at this point just do what looks cool, donā€™t worry about the logistics of actually doing it, this may take a while, donā€™t rush it, a good site takes time

  2. Once you have everything drawn out, color schemes picked out, etc, go back through the drawings, put some thought into how you would accoplish the individual facets of the page, think about what you can and cannot do based on resources and skill.

  3. Make changes to your drawings to reflect what you did in step 2

  4. Make a simple list or outline of what order you are going to do things in.

  5. Now you can open up Flash and actually do something

As you can probably tell Iā€™m big on planning, it may sound like alot of work but believe me it will make it way easier in the long run.

P.S. Keep the drawings or at least copies with you, take em to school, thereā€™s been several times were Iā€™ve been sitting in class writing actionscripts and thinking through my drawings.

Hope this helps and good luck, let us know when you finish or have something to show us.

Rock Star i got it from a tutorial somewhere itā€™s basically flags i know i make it sound easy it isnt took me a day to do with the help of my friend :).

As for the sketching ideas i will do that but i already got shouted at for desinging a webpage in German :D. I will sketch it tomorrow and upload it to show you guys. Thanks for all the ideas guys :).

I wante dto add this also is their anyone who is good with PhP because of the text and stuff i am useless and i would like a login system on my website. arg!

Lol, Iā€™ve been yelled out a few times too, then I try to explain it to em and their like yeah, whatever put it away. :slight_smile:

As for PHP, I donā€™t know how to write it, but maybe you could learn, Iā€™m sure thereā€™s abook out there somewhere that will do, even a foundation type PHP book. On a side note are you trying for an all flash site or just a flash integrated site?

im 15, ive been working with flash for about a year and a half and im just getting threw with the basics in action scriptingā€¦ Back to topic, I agree with ndevore you should plan ahead. Thats what im doing in school, when i get bored I just drawl sketches of websites and then I slap em together at home!.. I guess thats why im failing some classes ā€œo wellā€ - Tom

hey visualaid dont despair mate u are only young and well if u are doing this stuff now and trying to understand it then god u will be wiz by the time u get to 30.

it takes time its like everything in life, a bit of patience, a bit of anger and yeah you need encouragement too. If u are enthusiastic u will win through.

I am in a band and millions of years older than yourself and wanted to design a website for us, well since i couldnt really afford to get someone to do it i got my hands on studio MX and have took it on to teach myself.

I was made up i created my own infinite bar the otherday using the tutorials in here as a template.

I am building my website in dreamweaver integrated with flash mx

take it easy and be patient.

plan ur site think of what u want to achieve and what u want to say or even show or sell people.!!!there is plenty of people in here willing to help u along.

take it easy

itā€™s always a good idea to plan properly and do sketches imo

I am gonna do some serious sketching and concept maps/ideas i am working for a full flash portfolio website to show all my Art and Design work on :).

cool. planning is the key. there will be so many times where you start a site, havenā€™t planned it properly, and you met some really big barriers and problemsā€¦ and you just have to start from scratchā€¦ so itā€™s good youā€™re getting into planning early


I Made a sketch layout for you guys to see and wonder if you guys thought it would be okay making it animated and stuff.

itā€™s the main page on

Waiting for some feedback :).

Took a look at the website and looks good to me! Yep definately a good main page. Itā€™s cool.


Yep, there are, Iā€™m 14, becoming 15 in november.

For your site: The concept is great, if you can manage to make this layout look realistic using PhotoShop or something, then it will be marvelous (ha, wat a funny word). Iā€™d make it bigger though, itā€™s kinda small now.

I should be studying right now (got exams next wednesday), but instead Iā€™m browsing this forum. Just an example how addicting this forum is :beam:

i just used a standard size flash document i will make it bigger and what you think i sould make it out of.

Futeristic Metal?


