I need someone to create a website for me. I currently already have the domain and hosting. I have a basic page up, but due to limited skills on my part in the way of html it is nowhere near what I envisioned nor wanted.
The page is going to need a blog, a forum, and various sub-pages for the various sections I need. I can provide a rough layout idea upon request. I will also need to have logo’s and graphics created, however for most of the sections I have already created the graphics required as they are ships I have developed. Also, if possible, it will need a page with an xml feed, which will display statistics.
Rundown of the Site:
The Site
The site is for my nation, Flaming Souls, which is created through the game Nationstates. It will have various sections for the my military fleet, etc. More intensive details available upon request.
Payment is available, but will require negotiations with me, as I have limited funds currently.
My email address is flamingsouls@gmail.com[email=“flamingsouls@gmail.com”]