Ok I’m trying so hard to get a host,i was at my friends site and his server came down.and i ask my MOM for money to get my own domain but beep she did’nt go for it so if anyone has a website and has space can you please host me,i’m great with HTML Great with FTP and i’m a in between expert and begginer with FLASH 5 soon to be with MX soon as i finish getting it downloaded.thx
*Originally posted by Alex *
**http://ipowerweb.com/ **
Dude i mean for free…
opps, i didnt read it all,
*Originally posted by Alex *
**opps, i didnt read it all,
tripod.com **
already tried it and geocities.I need a website like http://okokokok.me.com like someone personal website and there going to host me.
I dont think that there are any services out there that offer you a domain for free…
try bravenet.com
Or alexdesigns.com/me :beam:
*Originally posted by Bullet-Shells *
**Or alexdesigns.com/me :beam: **
go ahead. its not my web space…
:beam::beam: :beam: :beam:
mine is www.alexsdesigns.net
*Originally posted by Alex *
**go ahead. its not my web space…
:beam::beam: :beam: :beam:
mine is www.alexsdesigns.net
forgot the .net