I’m having a few (and rather irritating) technical problems with my website
www.book-trade.co.uk/textbooks/place-ad.asp - the form to submit textbooks to the database. When loading this page, the source code for the page is displayed as opposed to the page itself. The funny thing is; when the exact same code is saved as a normal .htm file, the page is displayed. This page needs to be an .asp page because it is linked to the database.
To be honest, even when the form is working, I’m not too optimistic that the form will submit to the database properly, and that all the other .asp pages will extract information from the database correctly.
The www.book-trade.co.uk/advertising.htm and www.book-trade.co.uk/contactus.htm pages. When filling in the forms and clicking ‘submit’, a page is displayed saying:
“FrontPage Run-Time Component Page
You have submitted a form or followed a link to a page that requires a web server and the FrontPage Server Extensions to function properly.
This form or other FrontPage component will work correctly if you publish this web to a web server that has the FrontPage Server Extensions installed.”
It’s meant to email the form results to mail@book-trade.co.uk. The web server (www.catalyst2.com) has Frontpage server extensions so I don’t think this is the problem.
- Less importantly, the search facility on the left of each page refuses to work. I’m not too worried about this though.
I’ve got a funny feeling that the fact the whole site was uploaded using ftp as apposed to uploading via the ‘publish web’ facility in Frontpage itself, has something to do with the above problems. - I couldn’t upload via frontpage due to password problems.
If anyone’s got any idea/s on how to rectify any of the above problems, please reply!