Website templates and stuff

Your not…I like helpin. As far typing over stuf you have 2 options. Each depending on your design. 1 way is to before exporting click on one of your slices. In the properties panel change the slice type to a html slice. This will allow this space to be typed over in DW. The other way is to manually make the img src of a table cell a background image. How you do this is to cut the path out of the img src and place it in a background image. That way is a lil messy but it is best when you need that area to be a repeating image due to scaling of the page. As far as updating the document from dreamweaver. While in dreamweaver right click on the image and select edit with fireworks this will bring up the original png file so make sure you save the png file b4 exporting. make your changes and you will notice at the top of the document window a button that says done click that and it will automatically update DW. pretty cool huh

the first way you talked about (html slice), i’m not sure which properties panel you meant…? is it just the one at the bottom of the screen?

and the second way (backgroudn iamge thing), do you go to page properties and insert it there? i tried it there just now but it repeats itself you get what i mean? so like on one page, there are about 3 backgrounds of the same thing, but instead i only want one in the center, how should i fix this? thx

you can fix the repeating background with css
like this:

.yourstuff  {
	background-image : url(yourimage.jpg);
	background-repeat : no-repeat;

And yes the property panel is the one at the bottom, when you click on a slice you should see a drop down that say gif slice or something like that. Change it to html slice, after you do that click edit and you can actually put your html in there or wait and do it in DW. You have to really plan out your slices to prevent gaps and stuff you will see what I am talking about as you do this more.

alrite this is beginning to annoy me even if its not annoying you :slight_smile:

so i got the html slice thing working (in a way), because now that i do that, no graphics show up in dreamweaver, only the layout guidlines stuff (the dotted lines that divide the slicing stuff). i hope you understood that…

so how do i fix it so i can see the graphics? i tried typing over the html and it works, i jsut needa get the graphics working again. how should this be done? thx

You know, I should definetley get a copy of Dreamweaver. I don’t know much html at all, and after I do a new site with Flash, I want to make an html site. This seems like such a good way to do it. Thanks guys!


yeah it is! but i learned HTML first, so its a bit easyer. ok now i got FW (for more than just this) but do i need to HTML slice it? i think i will just leave it in image form…

Please understand I think you should learn HTML and CSS becuase dreamweaver will and FW will do alot for you but to truely harnass the power you must know how to manipulate it. I use these tools to expedite what I already know. It speeds up my turn around time. But any way I think you are in table view try switching to standard view.

go to View>>Table View>>Standard view

If that does not work let me know.

sorry but its still not working!!

i’ve tried so many ways…ok this is what i did:

-create the slice thing and exported as html/htm

-create a new file in dreamweaver

-click on the fireworks html button under the common button

-found my file and click delete upon insertion

i then clicked ok but then all i get is the frames and not the actual graphics. is it something wrong with my fireworks file?

or do i have to create a specific file in dreamweaver (when you click ‘new’, it asks you if you want basic page, dynamic page, template page etc…)?

Frontpage? eww.

GoLive or Dreamweaver are the way to go!

could you post a link then I can look at the source code. I cannot really understand why it is not working. Are making sure that you include areas with out slices. That is a option on the export dialog box. When you insert the FW htm. Look at the paths to the sliced images. Make sure they are valid. Also you have to save the file that contains the FW slices or else you will get those crazy paths file://c:/… So you are not getting broken images?? just blank spots?? ALso make sure that your slices are gif slices and not html slices. Anything outside of that you have a defective copy of dreamweaver of fireworks. reinstall it.

hmm well i’m pretty sure they are gif slices. In fireworks i made them html slices and then in the folder, it says blahblah.gif so i think thats correct.

the paths to the slices are just images/nameoftemplate.gif

and i included areas without slices…

i’m not sure whats wrong, maybe i will try to reinstall dreamweaver. but then again, its a trial so it should be ok. is there anyway to reinstall a trial?

because i’ve done that before and lets say i had like 10 days left, then when i reintsall it will say i have have 10 days left still not back to 30. do i havta delete a cookie or soemthing like that!?

well i worked my way around it by making the part i want to type on html and the rest an image thing so you can see those and you can type on the html. i geuss that’ll do for now until i get better at this. thx for the help 3diva!