Website - Transition and Sound Issues

Whats up everyone…

I have this site im working on, and I am trying to fix 2 problems. I am decent with flash but not too good. If anyone can help me I would be very appreciative.


  1. I can’t figure out how to have transitions between pages. I have each section of my flash site as an individual frame with the section’s content as movie clips on that single frame. Each navigational button uses a “gotoandstop” action. Here is the code im using for my buttons:


stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function()
{ if(rewind == true){ prevFrame(); } } 
this.onRollOver = function(){ rewind = false; play(); } 
this.onRollOut = function(){ rewind = true; } 
this.onRelease = function(){ _root.gotoAndStop("creative"); }

I am looking to have it fade out before it does the gotoframe, this could be as simple as having a black rectangle movie clip fade in, then the gotoandstop runs. I just cant figure out how to do this AS.

  1. My second problem is adding sound to my rollovers, for some reason I CANNOT figure this out. I’ve tried adding sound via dragging onto the rollover movie clip, and Ive also tried using a few actionscript methods. For some reason it will not work, if you take a look at my FLA you will agree this is a WEIRD issue. I have a introductory sound on my site and it plays fine.

I dont want to publish my FLA but if you PM me I can send you it.

Thank you guys in advance.