Weird Collectables

Ok, so having my camera out today to take pictures of my t.v. and guitar, I thought I’d take a picture of my “collection”

Jack Daniels is my winter drink, from late Sept. to late March. The big bottles you see are 60’s (60 ounces, 1.75 litres) and the very big one in the back is a “texas mickey(sp)” 3 litres. The reason I saved these is I’m going to build them into a bar one day. I’ve been saving them for the past 3 winters, and my gf actually threw out my first 3, not realizing I was saving them. There are a few 40 ouncers, and 26 ouncers that you can’t see 'cause they are hidden behind the others, plus a couple “mickeys” as we call them here, which are like half a 26er. I also did a photoshop pic that I will hang behind the bar once it’s done:

I printed it out this weekend with my canon s900 and it turned out great.

So, anyone have any collections they’d like to share?

haha yaa… sometimes i wonder why i don’t just sell it all lol… i mean i have a card worth about $500 US alone… plus all those figures… and thousands of hockey cards… $$sigh$$

El Thierro, that’s a cool collection!! I hope you can find it all and get it all back together :smiley: Jarvis, very cool stuff. I used to collect hockey cards too. I have a Gretzky rookie, and 2 of his second year cards…I’m gonna see if I can find 'em. I’ll post a pic if I can :smiley:

what? if you can find them you’ll send 'em to me? HEY THANKS!!! ur the best… oh… no… wait a sec… :whistle: i guess u didn’t say that :frowning:

Ok, here is a pic of my Gretzky rookie, one of my Gretzky second year cards, and 6 copies of the Eric Lindros Future superstar card. I’m sure you know :wink: it was in the deck of NHL cards when he was still playing in the OHL. Anyway a pretty cool card to have :smiley:

and while I was diggin around, I found my Web of Spiderman Issue #1:

Let me add, I didn’t buy the Gretzky cards at a card show, I collected them real time when they came out, back in '79 and '80

hmm okay they look in pretty good condition… i suppose i’ll paypal you for shipping, my address is 15 Lis… oh wait… i guess you dont’ plan to give them to me :(…

by the way, is them gretzky’s o-pee-chee or topps? cuz if it’s o-pee-chee (depending on condition) it could fetch ya about $800 +… up to a LOT :)…

although sorry to say… those lindros’ will only fetch ya about $10 each if you’re lucky… still awesome cards to have though!!!

wish i was alive and collecting in the 80’s… :(… i was only born in '87

lol, yeah I know the Linrdos’ aren’t worth much, but I would buy boxes of the cards just to open every pack hoping to get 1 :smiley: The gretzky’s are o pee chee. The rookie is kinda crinkled, used to build houses out of hockey cards and play ledgies with them :smiley: the second year one is mint though.

**edit, see, I was born in 74…started playing hockey in 79, so naturally started collecting cards in 79 :smiley:

on second thought give me your address… i’ll come bearing a large, fresh piece of trout and smack ya a good one :trout:… i can’t decide if i should cry or just accept the facts of life and move on…

lol, I know I was like 5 then, wish my dad had had a better sense :frowning:

Thanks man :slight_smile:

So…where exactly do you live again? :ninja:


Like El_Thierro i used to collect simpsons stuff, i was crazy bout them i got all the comics and everything then i got to a point where I stopped.

Now i collect video games and consoles, when i get everything sorted in my new room ill take some pics at the moment everything is scattered about everywhere.

Same here, at one point, I just didn’t feel the urge anymore to buy everything I saw that related to the Simpsons…

Collecting consoles huh? That’s pretty cool, must be alotta fun…

London eh? Went to that F1 thing they had there yesterday? Saw it on the news here in Belgium, seemed cool. :smiley:

I collect the jokers from card-decks. A book inspired me to start doing it…